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Date Title Author Topic
06/09/24 Keeping The Lord's Commands John Pollard Sermon Notes Keeping_The_Lords_Commands_Sermon_Notes.pdf
06/02/24 The Gospel in Philemon John Pollard Sermon Notes The_Gospel_In_Philemon_Sermon_Notes.pdf
05/26/24 The Lamb and The Scroll John Pollard Sermon Notes The_Lamb_and_The_Scroll_Sermon_Notes-1718122981.pdf
05/26/24 The Lamb and The Scroll John Pollard Bulletin The_Lamb_and_The_Scroll_Sermon_Notes.pdf
05/19/24 Worry and Worldliness John Pollard Sermon Notes Worry_and_Worldliness_Sermon_Notes.pdf
05/12/24 Psalm 4: The God Who Makes Us Lie Down In Peace John Pollard Sermon Notes Psalm_4_Sermon_Notes.pdf
05/05/24 Forgiveness For An Insurrectionist John Pollard Sermon Notes Forgiveness_For_An_Insurrectionist_Sermon_Notes.pdf
01/09/23 1 Peter Sermons: Living in Exile Scott Kercheville Sermon Notes 1_Peter_-_Living_in_Exile.pdf
06/02/22 ACTS: God's Mission to the Ends of the Earth Scott Kercheville Class Material Acts_Booklet_2022.pdf
03/30/22 HEBREWS: Holding Fast to Jesus in the Wilderness Scott Kercheville Class Material Hebrews_Booklet_copy.pdf
12/06/20 EZEKIEL: I Will Exalt My Name Scott Kercheville Class Material Ezekiel_Booklet.pdf
12/01/20 2nd CORINTHIANS: The Character of Christ's Servants Scott Kercheville Class Material 2_Corinthians_Booklet.pdf
07/02/20 LEVITICUS-NUMBERS: Who Shall Ascend the Hill of the Lord? Scott Kercheville Class Material Leviticus-Numbers_2020_Booklet_Final.pdf
03/02/20 JEREMIAH: The Lonely Prophet Scott Kercheville Class Material Jeremiah_Complete_Booklet.pdf
11/10/19 When God Says NO - Powerpoint slides Troxel Ballou Sermon Notes WhenGodSaysNo.pdf
09/08/19 LUKE: God's Promised King for All Nations Scott Kercheville Class Material Luke_Booklet_v2.pdf
07/24/19 The Prayers of Ancient Israel for Christians Today (Four Weeks in Psalms) Scott Kercheville Class Material Psalms_Four_Weeks_Rev2.pdf
05/20/19 HAGGAI, ZECHARIAH, MALACHI: Return to Me, and I Will Return to You Travis Wise and Scott Kercheville Class Material Haggai_Zechariah_Malachi_Booklet_Travis_and_Scott_NEW_COVER.pdf
02/13/19 ISAIAH: Wait on the Lord, Renew Your Strength Scott Kercheville Class Material Isaiah_Booklet.pdf
02/12/19 EZRA-NEHEMIAH: Building for God's Kingdom When It Seems Futile Scott Kercheville Class Material Ezra-Nehemiah_Booklet.pdf

Displaying 1 - 20 of 31

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